- Keep a live photo database that can be used for all your events.
- Upload photos, rotate, crop and update photos at anytime.
- Search for existing photos by name.
- Photos are automatically stored by name and are automatically re-sized for optimal printing.
- JPG, JPEG, GIF, PNG, BMP - Image types are allowed.

- Custom built form(s) that can be either accessed by a URL on our website or we can provide you with a short piece of code that can be used on your own website. All data is collected and stored in a CSV file that is accessible/downloadable at anytime.
- Data is automatically stored in your credential builder allowing you to “Approve” or “Deny” each credential request.
- Optional: Allow users to submit their photos to be printed on their credential(s).
- Optional: Customized email can be sent out for each request containing all data collected.
- Optional: Customized confirmation email can be sent out for each successful request.

- Credential Builder can be setup to allow and/or remove access instantly for each credential.
- Optional: Custom Scanning Page for your event / venue.
- Custom LIVE reports can be provided to fit your needs.
- Requires: A barcode on all credentials this will be automatically assigned by Credential Builder. A Bluetooth barcode scanner, laptop / tablet / computer and Internet Access. Scanners can be purchased or rented from Cube.

- Quit wasting money on meal tickets that you throw away. Credential Builder allows you to issue numerous meals (Breakfast, Lunch, Dinner) for each credential for any amount of venues / dates / locations.
- "Issue" or "Remove" meals LIVE at anytime, anyplace, anywhere for each credential.
- LIVE meal reports are automatically generated at a click of a button providing you meal statistics by location and date/time used.
- Custom Meal Scanning Page for your event / venue.
- Requires: A barcode on all credentials that will be automatically assigned by Credential Builder. A Bluetooth barcode scanner, laptop / tablet /computer and Internet access. Scanners can be purchased or rented from Cube.

- Integrate Credential Builder into your already existing website / system.
- Complete documentation allows your developers to seamlessly integrate your existing system with Credential Builder.